“Boutique” investment service

By December 18, 2018 No Comments

We are in a unique situation to be able to serve our clients with what we consider to be the best of both worlds – in house and external research. From our close relationship with the Fat Prophets analysts in Sydney, and around the world, we have access to in-depth expert opinions on a day to day basis for both economic and company specific news. We also have the freedom to generate ideas for clients from external relationships and we believe in finding the best ideas for our clients within the whole market, not just from our own team. We spend our day looking for ideas to bring to you, while you are busy doing your day job or enjoying your retirement.

Benefit from our varied experience

We have seen good and bad markets. Companies come and go. Investors make and lose money. And that experience is never lost, always remembered. It helps us to , read and analyse market movements, time buys and sells, recognise market themes, make early stock selections, and formulate risk management.