There’s 1 Investment

That Could Save Your Retirement Now!

Leader in Global Stock Market Research

  • It’s not oil – though it may soon heat your home and power your car…
  • It’s not iron or steel – but it has far-reaching industrial implications…
  • Nor is it gold – though you’d be prudent to hold it through what some of the world’s greatest investors (including Warren Buffet, George Soros and Jim Rogers) are predicting will be:

"Runaway Inflation"

It’s one of the few Investments today that looks poised to outshine gold…and even bitcoin!

As the weeks roll by, and as the inflation monster is unleashed and begins to wreak havoc on almost every part of the investment universe, I predict this MOST precious of all investments will only grow in value and in importance…

Yet today, barely a single Australian investor knows its name…despite the fact that without it you can kiss your iPhone, your iPad, your smart TV, and many of your other hi-tech gadgets good-bye…

The solar age would soon grow dark and cold…

The nuclear age would split apart…

Tesla, and the green car revolution, would roll to a stop…

This investment even promises to outperform the traditional winners in the coming inflationary environment like gold, oil, and precious metals.

In fact, so vital is this investment, that without it we would have very little hope making the transition of an economy based on dirty old industrial resources to one based on renewables…and we would have very little hope of licking the inflationary monster…

We would be at its mercy.

Inflation would just eat away at the quality of our lives…the value of our homes, our stocks, our bonds, our currency, until it entirely devoured us…

What’s more, the fundamentals for this investment are so strong, that even if by some freak of economic nature, the global economy switched back to a deflationary environment, it would still do well!

It’s the ultimate investment (and financial sanctuary) for the terrifying economic era ahead.

Inflation/deflation/recession/depression, no matter what happens…this investment will still do well…

The future hinges on it.

Green tech would turn grey without it.

In fact, if I had to make one bet today, I would bet on this.

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    Angus Geddes

    Founder and CIO

    He has a wealth of experience acquired over more than two decades in both domestic and international financial markets. Aside from running the Fat Prophets group. Angus has broad investment responsibilities within the Funds Management division, which manages close to $100 million.

    Angus's investment track record began in 1982 at the young age of 13. In 1986 he received a ``highly commended`` award from the New Zealand Chamber of Commerce for increasing an initial investment of $200 to $35,000 on the world stock markets.

    During his career, Angus has worked as a money market dealer in New Zealand, a financial consultant in the United Kingdom and the United States. Moving to Australia in 1996, Angus worked for five years as a stockbroker at Bankers Trust and JB Were before co-founding Fat Prophets in June 2000.

    Majoring in Economics, Angus completed a Bachelor of Commerce degree at Otago University, New Zealand in1990. He is also a member of the Securities Institute of Australia having qualified for a Graduate Diploma in Applied Finance and Investment in 1999.

    Angus is also a non executive director of Pie-face Holdings, one of Australia's fastest growing food franchises and Fitch Metals Engineering, a rapidly expanding industrial engineering and manufacturing company. Angus is also a director of the Australasian Investment Review, a fast growing online magazine with more than 35,000 subscribers.

    Andrew Blackmore

    Equity Analyst

    Andrew joined Fat Prophets at the beginning of 2011 to support the research team analyzing a range of international equities. Andrew began his career in the finance industry in 2000 after having previously worked in the IT industry at IBM Global Services. Having previously been a personal investor in the stock market for several years he moved into an analyst role for an Australian Equities fund at a top 100 ASX listed financial services company. Initially his focus was on the TMT and Healthcare industries, but this soon broadened to a wider range of industries.

    In the interim period Andrew was part of investment teams that invested in a range of unlisted and listed investment opportunities. These included private equity deals that had international co-investors from the US, Europe and Asia. Prior to joining Fat Prophets his most recent role was at an absolute return fund with a focus on international listed equities.

    Andrew has completed a Bachelor of Commerce and Graduate Diploma in Finance from the University of Otago, New Zealand and a Master of Commerce from the University of Sydney, Australia.

    Andre Obierez


    André joined Fat Prophets in February 2015, and is an analyst in the Asian Equities research team. He works out of our office in the Philippines, with his research coverage focussed on investment opportunities within the Asian region. After earning his undergraduate degree in 2012, André started his career in Finance as a stockbroker with Regina Capital before moving on to a research role at Meridian Securities where his focus was primarily in Banking, Consumer, and Utilities sectors. He also taught Finance classes at the University of San Jose-Recoletos before joining Fat Prophets.
    André holds a degree in Entrepreneurship with a Minor in Economics. He is also currently working on his Masters degree.

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